Learn BEFORE you vote. (Not an official website of American Fork City.)

Tag: American Fork (Page 8 of 11)

Your Ballot Will Be in the Mail!

American Fork City is scheduled to put primary election ballots in the mail for all registered voters today, July 25. We may see ballots in our mailboxes tomorrow.

If you think you might want to vote, don’t throw it away! This is how we vote in this election.

If you’re registered and you don’t get your ballot this week, I’d send up a flare early next week (see below). Also note that it’s not to late too register and get a ballot, even if you missed the initial mailing.

How to Use the Ballot

Here’s how it works, according to the official City website:

After you fill out your ballot, place it in the envelope and sign the affidavit on the envelope. Once that’s done, you have options:

    • Mail it back to the City. You don’t need a stamp; the City pays return postage. Important: If you mail your ballot, it must be postmarked no later than August 14, the day before Election Day. (For the general election, it’s November 6.)
    • Deliver your ballot to the City Recorder’s office (51 E. Main) during business hours, on or before Election Day.
    • Deliver your ballot to the Utah County Elections Office (100 E Center, Suite 3100, Provo) during regular business hours, on or before Election Day.
    • Deliver your ballot on Election Day, August 15, between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., to the Vote Service Center that will be set up at the American Fork Library (64 S 100 E). (November 7 for the general election.) If you have to vote at the service center on Election Day (instead of bringing in your ballot), it will be a provisional vote — meaning that your eligibility will be evaluated after you vote, but before your vote is counted.
Nauvoo ballot box

An 1840s ballot box in Nauvoo, Illinois. This is not that.

Other Dates and Deadlines

The voter registration deadline for online or in-person registrations for the primary election is August 8. For the general election, it’s October 23.

Primary election results won’t be final until August 29 at the official canvass, but that’s not unusual. We’ll hear tentative results on August 15.

American Fork voters who are registered Republicans (this no longer includes me) will receive a ballot which looks approximately like this and includes the Republican congressional primary candidates. For the rest of us, here’s a sample ballot with City races only.

For my part, I’m not a big fan of the mail-in ballot. Not yet, anyway. I like the civic ritual of going to the polls. But it’s a cheaper way to run an election, so that’s good.

For more information (and eventually some analysis and endorsements) of American Fork candidates, read more here at afelection.info.

City Council Candidates Q&A – Part 2

City council candidates Kyle Barratt, Staci Carroll, Barbara Christiansen, and Jeffrey Shorter will be on the November general election ballot in American Fork. Each voter may choose two, and the two who receive the most votes will win the available seats.

Here candidates answer questions about taxes, water rates, impact fees, and roads. (Last time, they answered questions about experience and qualifications, goals, and motivations for running.)

The following candidates were defeated in the primary. Their responses, if any, are still available here, but have moved behind the buttons below.

  • Aaron Clegg
  • Bill Houlin
  • Ernie John
  • Doug Richards

Note: The questions in the post were sent to all three candidates by e-mail on Tuesday, July 18. Candidate responses are ordered alphabetically by surname. Responses may be slightly edited for grammar, punctuation, and format. Continue reading

City Council Candidates Q&A – Part 1

City council candidates Kyle Barratt, Staci Carroll, Barbara Christiansen, and Jeffrey Shorter will be on the November general election ballot in American Fork. Each voter may choose two, and the two who receive the most votes will win the available seats.

Here candidates answer questions about their education, experience, objectives, and motives for running. 

The following candidates were defeated in the primary. Their responses, if any, are still available here, but have moved behind the buttons below.

  • Aaron Clegg
  • Bill Houlin
  • Ernie John
  • Doug Richards

Note: The questions in the post were sent to all three candidates by e-mail on Tuesday, July 18. Candidate responses are ordered alphabetically by surname. Responses may be slightly edited for grammar, punctuation, and format. Continue reading

Mayoral Candidates Q&A – Part 2

Mayoral candidates Brad Frost and Carlton Bowen are on the November general election ballot in American Fork. Here they answer questions about taxes, fees, water rates, and roads. (Previously, they answered questions about experience and qualifications, goals, and why they’re running.)

Note: This page will be updated as further responses are received. The questions in the post were sent to all three candidates by e-mail on Tuesday, July 18. Candidate responses are ordered alphabetically by surname. Responses may be slightly edited for grammar, punctuation, and format. Responses by candidate Daniel Copper, who was defeated in the primary, are still available below, behind the buttons.  Continue reading

Mayoral Candidates Q&A – Part 1

Mayoral candidates Brad Frost and Carlton Bowen are on the November general election ballot in American Fork. Here they answer questions about their education, experience, objectives, and motives for running. 

Note: This page will be updated as further responses are received. The questions in the post were sent to all three candidates by e-mail on Tuesday, July 18. Candidate responses are ordered alphabetically by surname. Responses may be slightly edited for grammar, punctuation, and format. Responses by candidate Daniel Copper, who was defeated in the primary, are still available below, behind the buttons.  Continue reading

Meet the Candidates in American Fork

I’m hearing that we have two public opportunities to meet the candidates for American Fork Mayor and City Council before the August 15 primary. I’ll have more information soon, perhaps, but for now . . .

July 29 Debate

A debate is scheduled for Saturday, July 29, at the American Fork Hospital meeting room. This is sponsored by the American Fork Chamber of Commerce.

  • Meet and Greet: 9:30-10:00 a.m.
  • Mayoral Debate: 10:00-11:00 a.m.
  • Council Debate: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

The public is invited.

August 7 Concert in the Park

Candidates will be at the August 7 Concert in the Park, at the Amphitheater on Monday, August 7, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. The concert itself is free, and the public is invited.

If you see me at either event, come say hello.

On Your Own

There’s no substitute for speaking with candidates in person, but as the election approaches, you’ll find information, links, and commentary here at afelection.info, as well as notes and probably audio from the debate. You can make your own contacts too, of course. Here is contact information for mayoral candidates and city council candidates.

Be sure to thank them all for running. It’s not a small thing.

American Fork City Council Candidates Contact Information

[Updated 7 August 2017]

Here is all the contact information I’ve found for this year’s candidates for American Fork Mayor. I started with official data from afcity.org; the rest I’ve accumulated from various online sources.

If you live or work in American Fork, you should join the All About American Fork group on Facebook. Most of what happens there isn’t politics, but candidates and related events also pop up there from time to time. See also the City’s Voter Information Pamphlet.

If you’re a candidate — or even a voter — who has additional information for any of these, please send it to me, and I’ll verify it and post it. Note that I have not included links in some cases where I think I found the right person, but the profile lacks a photo or is empty. For now, at least, I have included personal Facebook, Twitter, and other social media links, whether there is recent political content there or not. Continue reading

American Fork Mayor Candidates Contact Info

[Updated 7 August 2017]

Here is all the contact information I’ve found for the 2017 candidates for American Fork Mayor. Some of the basics are at afcity.org; the rest I’ve accumulated from various online sources.

If you live or work in American Fork, you should join the All About American Fork group on Facebook. Most of what happens there isn’t politics, but candidates and related events also pop up there from time to time. See also the City’s Voter Information Pamphlet.

If you’re a candidate — or even a voter — who has additional information for any of these, please send it to me, and I’ll verify it and post it. Note that I have not included links in some cases where I think I found the right person, but the profile lacks a photo or is empty. And I have included personal Facebook, Twitter, and other social media links, whether there is recent political content there or not. Continue reading

American Fork Candidates

Here is the official list of candidates for mayor and city council in American Fork for 2017. Contact information is already available at the City web site, and we’ll be using it here to ask them some questions. You’re more than welcome to propose questions in the comments to this post or any other. And we’ll add more contact information, including social media links, when we have it.

See an earlier post here for details about the election. Note that there are sufficient candidates in both races for a primary to be held. It will reduce the mayoral field to two candidates and the city council field to four (for two seats).

Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by last name, not randomly or in order of my preference.

Mayoral Candidates

Note that two-term Mayor Hadfield is not running for a third term.

  • Carlton Bowen (currently on the city council)
  • Brad Frost (currently on the city council)
  • Daniel Copper

The mayor’s term is four years. Continue reading

Mayor Hadfield on Police and Fire

I sent two more questions to American Fork Mayor James H. Hadfield; here they are, with his responses.

Q. Does the City have enough police officers and police stations? If not, how many more do we need? At what cost? Are there plans in place to fund them?

A. The Police Station is presently adequate. However, the Department has asked for five new officers in this budget year. The Council has approved money for only two officers. As the City grows we will certainly need to budget for more officers to guarantee the safety of our residents in the years to come.

Q. Does the City need another fire station or two? Where, why, and at what cost? Are there plans in place to fund this growth?

We need a second fire station. We are presently looking at property to lease from the Utah Developmental Center. We have money in the budget to do the architecture work. This new station will greatly benefit the north end of our community, especially improving response time to the Mt. Timpanogos LDS Temple and the American Fork Hospital.

Thank again, Mayor Hadfield.

For more discussion of issues, see my previous Q and A with Mayor Hadfield and most of the city council.

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