Learn BEFORE you vote. (Not an official website of American Fork City.)

Tag: Brad Frost (Page 5 of 5)

Do American Forkers Really Have the 4th or 5th Highest City Taxes in Utah?

The short answer is no.

Yes, there’s a study that came out this summer, saying that the municipal tax burden on American Fork residents is the fourth or fifth highest in Utah. It used two different methodologies, which is why there are two different answers. Yes, AFCitizens and candidate Allen Simpson are passing out fliers around town touting that study.

But no, the study’s methodology is fatally flawed. And no, it’s not hard to explain.

American Fork tax burden deception

In this section of the AFCitizens flier Allen Simpson is distributing, the thought bubble cites the bad study.

The study calculated the tax burden on residents of various cities by adding the total property and sales tax revenues in the city, then dividing that amount by the number of residents in the city. See the problem? Among other things, it assumes that the bulk of sales tax revenue collected in American Fork is paid by residents of American Fork. A little common sense should be enough to make us reject those results. Why it wasn’t enough to make the folks who are quoting it in the current city council campaign reject the study is a fair question.

I’ve talked with American Fork City and Utah State officials, and none of them knows of a credible recent study of these things, but it is widely estimated that well more than half of the sales tax revenue collected in American Fork comes from shoppers who live elsewhere. The City’s largest single source of sales tax revenue, a large auto dealership — which collects customer addresses — has reported that about 90 percent of the sales tax it collects in American Fork comes from nonresidents.

This means at least two things: The study has grossly overreported American Fork residents’ tax burden. — unless, of course, you believe that American Forkers pay as much sales tax in other cities as nonresidents pay in ours. And the candidate who is passing out the flier, Allen Simpson, either doesn’t care about the facts (because the falsehood serves his political purposes) or is not disposed to dive deeply enough into them to understand them. Either way, we have here a temperament that may be poorly suited to service on the city council.

And this isn’t even one of the hard ones.

If you have a few minutes, read the study yourself, and decide for yourself. It’s a lot longer than this post, but it’s still not long.

There’s another problem with this part of the AFCitizens flier. It’s more technical. They’re mixing numbers from two studies — adding them together — and we have no way of knowing (did they check?) whether the two studies used compatible methodologies, similar definitions, the same time frame, etc. This is almost certain to lead to unreliable results.

I agree that some things are more costly in American Fork than they should be — water rates, for one thing. We’ll talk about those, and one faction’s misrepresentation of them, very soon.

Oh, and one more thing. If you’re so inclined, please post this graphic on Facebook or link to it on Twitter. Or e-mail it to your friends in American Fork. Or all of the above.

Help us spread the word. Because good people with bad data make bad decisions.

Learn before you vote.

Learn before you vote.

Meet the American Fork City Council Candidates (Part 1)

This is the first in a rapid series of posts with audio and notes on what the candidates said at two recent meet-the-candidates events in American Fork. The city council candidates, that is: Rob Shelton, Brad Frost, Kevin Barnes, and Allen Simpson.

We have 90 minutes of audio from the first event (after the Pledge of Allegiance and some of the housekeeping chatter is removed). We’ve broken that into eight pieces. For each piece, we’ll tell you what questions were asked (if there were questions in that segment), and in which order the candidates responded.

Councilman Rob Shelton American Fork

Councilman Rob Shelton after the October 21, 2015, meet-the-candidates event at American Fork High School.

The first event was Wednesday, October 21, at 7:00 p.m. at American Fork High School. Sponsors were the American Fork PTA Council, led by Kelly Smith, and the American Fork Youth City Council. The Media Center (a library by another other name . . .) is a great place for such events. The turnout was moderate, about 45 people, not counting candidates and about eight people who staffed the event.

I was one of the question screeners, helping to combine related questions, rewrite illegible questions, condense long questions, and reject irrelevant and wing-nut questions. (My favorite of the latter asked how many of the ten points of the Communist Manifesto each candidate supports. I did graduate work in political theory and studied communism under card-carrying members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, among others, and I can’t list all ten off the top of my head. And the question is usually a setup for wingnuttery. And we had real work to do.)

There were several young children in the audience, which was excellent. Everyone was well behaved, with the lone exception of Councilman Carlton Bowen, who is not known for his decorum in official settings, and who isn’t up for reelection until 2017. He quite deliberately applauded his pet candidate once in the middle of a statement, even though we asked the audience to hold their applause until the end of each half of the event. What the actual children (and everyone else) in the audience managed not to do at all, at least he only did once.

Overall, the audience’s questions were relevant, and they touched on many issues.

The candidates did an uncommonly good job sticking to their time limits.

To get us started, here’s a short MP3 audio clip in which host Kelly Smith welcomes the candidates and audience and explains the format of the evening. Link to Wednesday Audio 1.

Here’s a link to the next segment, which has actual candidates.

City Council Candidate Contact Information

4 Candidates, 3 Seats

On November 3 we’ll be choosing three candidates to serve four-year terms on the American Fork City Council. Each voter may vote for up to three on the ballot, and the three with the highest vote counts win. There is no districting in this race; all candidates run citywide.

There is no substitute, in terms of conscientious voting, for personal contact with local candidates. Here are the candidates, with the contact information I have for each. (If I’m missing something, please let me know, and I’ll add it ASAP.) They’re in alphabetical order by last name, not necessarily in the order of my preference.

Kevin J. Barnes

Brad Frost (one-term incumbent)

Rob Shelton (one-term incumbent)

Allen Simpson

Again, if someone has information which is missing here, please forward it to me.

This information is abstracted from FreedomHabit.com.

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