This blog is primarily dedicated to American Fork issues. My 2022 election ballot has races for nation, state, county, and local offices, as well as a proposed Alpine School District bond issue and a proposed amendment to the Utah Constitution. I’ve posted two guides at my site for a broader audience, The Freedom Habit.

One post offers information and lots of my opinion, mostly separated, on the US Senate race pitting Mike Lee against Evan McMullin and others, and the US House of Representatives race between John Curtis and Glenn Wright (and some others). I got pretty candid, but then that’s the deal here. I tell you what I think.

The other addresses all the other races on my ballot, with info one each race and my own thoughts, such as they are, on each contested race. Overall, this post is less aggressive, I suppose, but it’s still what I think.

Thanks for checking in!

Photo by Sora Shimazaki at